Thursday, August 30, 2007

Night of Fun...

Here's a picture for you to ponder for a second:

What do you think that is? Yes. It's a shoe. But, where is said shoe?

Maybe this video will help you out:

That's right, Interwebbers. Tara, Jaxson, and I went to a Rangers game recently. Tara works for the Dentist that the Rangers use as their "official" dentist. As a result, my wife has had her hands in the mouth of Rangers GM, Jon Daniels.

Impressed yet?

Anyway, on Monday, a patient who has season tickets came into the office and offered Dr. Frank (Tara's boss) tickets to the game on Tuesday. She has season tickets, so the seats were pretty good. Turns out, Dr. Frank couldn't go.

On Tuesday, the tickets were given to Tara. (For a t-sip, Dr. Frank's a pretty cool guy.) YAHOO! We were going to the game!

As you might have noticed, our seats weren't pretty good...they were very good. FIRST ROW good--right beside the Rangers dugout, and literally 10 feet from the On Deck circle. (Way better than the time my seats were supersized at the Astros game, but that's another story for another time.)

We had a good time at the game, unless your name is Jaxson. I think he enjoyed it for the better part of the top of the first inning. After that, he was restless, and even soda and popcorn couldn't hold his interest.

We stayed as long as we could, but left shortly before the exciting conclusion. (Rangers won, 4-3 in the 9th.)

When we got home, we watched the game, which I had TiVO'd. Turns out we were on TV. It was pretty sweet. Come over sometime, and I'll show you my 15 minutes of fame.

Here's a few pictures from the game:

It was almost like we were in the Dugout:

Finally, notice the Rangers' Mascot, Ranger Captain. As an Aggie, I couldn't help but include this picture.

Until next time...


PS. My 15 minutes were more like 15 seconds. Which means I have 14 minutes and 45 seconds left.

PPS. Thanks Dr. Frank! Sorry about the t.u. remarks. Please keep employing my wife. We have a young son. He needs diapers. Here's a picture of him thinking about the idea of not having any diapers. Sad, isn't it?


Thursday, August 23, 2007


Hope you enjoyed the pictures below (if you've had time to look at them).

I had such an easy time posting those pictures (Blogger is MUCH improved since the last post!), I thought I'd put up a quick video, too.

In this video, Jaxson has discovered that he had some microwave popcorn in his backpack--notice its scattered contents in the background. Popcorn is one of his favorite things, so we gave him some.

As you can tell from the video, he REALLY enjoys it. In fact, it's "knee-slapping good".



And...we're back!

Here we are...back and better than ever.

It occurs to me that we've not posted on The Hall Monitor in a while. A lot has happened since then...allow me to bring you up to speed.

First, Jaxson graduated Summa Cum Laude from Texas A&M University earlier this month.

Secondly, Tara and I retired from our jobs.

Third, the Rangers won the World Series.

As you can tell from the last one there...most of that is made up. Actually, all of it is.

A lot has happened since then, but more than I can adequately discuss in a single entry.

How about we just start with a few pictures, and we'll rebuild the important stuff as it becomes necessary.

Last week, Jaxson went on VACATION! Why does a 16-month old need vacation, you ask? Well, have you spent a great deal of time with me? I can get a bit irritating.

Jaxson spent the week with Aunt Sarah and Uncle Scotty in Abilene. Mom and Dad stayed at home and continued their normal lives, while Jaxson was spoiled beyond imagination.

Jaxson didn't have to go to bed, until HE was ready. He got to go to the park EVERY day. He got to eat Ice Cream and gummy snacks at all hours of the day. Basically, it was Club Med for a 1 year-old. He had a blast.

Meanwhile, Tara and I began to miss him about two hours after we left him with Sarah and Scotty.

We tried to stay busy, but we missed our boy. I think he missed us, too.

Here's a few pictures that Aunt Sarah took while he was there:

Until next time...

The Halls (Norman, Tara, and Jaxson)