Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hi, Remember Us???

Hello, Internet!

It's been too long since the last posting from The Hall Monitor. Though I'd like to find an excuse, I haven't one. I just didn't take the time.

Remember in our first posting how I said that this would be a regular update on our lives? It seems that as the months have gone on...our definition of regular has changed. Once, it was synonymous with "daily", and now it means, roughly, "every fortnight or so".

Here's what's been happening since we last talked.

Jaxson--still cute.

Tara--still amazing.

Me--still charming.

Basically, nothing's really changed, but we've been busy.

Actually, Jaxson has changed some. It seems that in the last week or so, he's gotten a lot more interesting. Let me rephrase that--he's a lot more interested in stuff. As an example, today, I thought it would be neat to take a picture of my little man as a real Man's Man--on the sofa, with Remote in hand.

Here's that adorable pic:

Anyway, I gave him the remote just long enough to take two pictures. He was fascinated by the remote ("Like father..."). He was pushing buttons, and putting it in his mouth, just like he's seen Dad do a million times before.

Another example: Sunday, at lunch, he was determined to get my menu. I'd move the menu, and he'd follow it. He's getting good at reaching for stuff, and this Red Robin menu was thing that he wanted most in life. I couldn't get it far enough from him. It really was kinda funny.

Speaking of reaching for things...

JAXSON DOING STUFF UPDATE! (Cue SportsCenter music)

The other day, when I went to pick Jaxson up from School (Daycare to some), he reached for me. That's right, I walked into the room, and he put his hands into the air, as if to say, "Dad--I'm SO glad you're here! Get me out of this place."

Needless to say, my heart leapt. I'd had a rough day, and that really put me in a good frame of mind.

As I said, we've been busy. Last week, an old friend of mine came into town for a concert, and while he was in town, we went to the Rangers' game. Tara, Jaxson, Geoff, his wife, Erin, and I all loaded up and headed to The Ballpark. It was Jaxson's first ballgame. We weren't sure how he would do.

I'm proud to report that my son loves sports. He had to be in our laps the entire game, but he really seemed to like the game. I thought the noise might bother him, but he literally watched most of the game. There was a lot of great new stuff for him to look at there.

The game lasted well past his bedtime, and unfortunately went into extra innings. Oddly enough, Jaxson stayed awake for the first nine innings, but went to sleep before the start of the tenth. It's almost as if he'd decided that he was going to stay awake for nine...but anything after that, was too much. (By the way...Adam, The Fries are awesome!)

The next night, Jaxson and I watched our first Aggie game together. I only wish that it had been the romp that I promised him it would be, but I could tell he liked watching the game. I eagerly await the day when he, I, and Uncle Travis go to the games together each fall.

Well, I've rambled on long enough, covering everything from menus to fries to reaching for Dad. We've had a good few weeks. We hope that you have, too.

Here's a few pics to keep you coming back.

See ya next time. Soon, I promise.



At September 19, 2006 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was an awesome game. Jaxson informed me that he was pretty disappointed in the outcome, but overall it was fun.

At September 20, 2006 11:15 PM, Blogger Serena said...

Love the new post and no I still haven't figured out the "links"...help!!

At September 21, 2006 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep on feeding that boy and he'll keep growning! Seriously, at his age he learns some new skill every day. Look at all the things they have to learn to walking and talking by a year old.

Love you all,

Dad and Mom

At September 21, 2006 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean 'growing'. The way you waller him around, maybe 'groaning' is the right word.


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