Friday, October 06, 2006

Busy week...

Whoa...what a busy week!

At some point--we're not exactly sure when--Jaxson has learned to sit up. We just "discovered" that he could do it--but only when he's really interested in something in front of him. Otherwise, he just crumples to the floor.

Then, on Tuesday, my parents came in for a visit. They had been travelling the great state of Texas, and came by on their way to my uncle's house near Austin (hsssssssss).

They got to spend some much needed time with Jaxson. They hadn't seen him since my sister's wedding (back in August). We 'Blogged about that, remember?

Here's Jaxson being entertained by Gran--or vice versa...

...and Jaxson learning how to snap from Grandpa.

Jaxson enjoyed the time with Gran and Grandpa, but he REALLY enjoyed playing with Grandpa's shoelaces. Here's a quick video of the two of them:

On Wednesday, we packed up to go to the State Fair of Texas. My parents had never been, so we headed that way. Getting a five month old ready for a day in the sun is a lot of work:

...but when we got there, it was worth it. It was very hot for October, but it was a lot of fun. If you want to go, Wednesday is the day to go. With three canned goods per person, you can get in for only a buck. We learned that AFTER getting to the fair.

Here's a picture of us about to head inside for some food, fun, and Fried Coke (surprisingly delicious, by the way):

As we said, it was a busy week, and it took it's toll on us all. Jaxson's got the right idea: I'll keep this short. Good night all.

(By the time you read this...Jaxson will be SIX months old! Has it really been that long?? Seems like only yesterday we were talking about him being five months old...)

Thanks for coming by...



At October 07, 2006 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice blog. keep the videos coming!

At October 10, 2006 9:18 PM, Blogger Cortni said...

Look at you, big boy Jaxson. Sitting up?!? I can't believe it!!

Looks like yall had a fun week! I hope you are catching up on some rest! We'll see you tomorrow night!

At October 10, 2006 11:19 PM, Blogger Serena said...

Once again more great photos! I hope to see Jaxsons new trick tomorrow night. We enjoy your blog.


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